High School Drug Trends 2012 - 2015
Drug Trend Prevalence might be more manageable if stronger attempts are made to minimize exposure to our nation’s youth. Drugabuse.gov has datasets that collect anonymous survey data from U.S. Highschool Students who have been exposed to Drugs in their lifetime. More specifically, the dataset in question shows exposure from 2012 – 2015. Based on the small multiples chart below, we can see trends that affect all Highschool grade levels as well as grade specific trends. In all grade levels, we see large increases in E-cigarette usage, while regular cigarette usage declines. LSD and MDMA are also incline across all grade level groups, while Methamphetamine decline sharply.
Eighth Graders: are seen with the lowest levels of drug exposure with the exception of inhalants which has the highest percentage of all 3 groups.
Tenth Graders: Factor higher percentages of drug exposures than eighth graders, but lower than twelfth graders. They are also the second highest group of inhalant users.
Twelth Graders: Show a significantly higher percentage of drug exposure across all drugs listed. They show the least exposure to Methamphetamine and a decline in Marijuana use. This may be due to interest in other drugs as this group is the one with the most inclining trends.
Tooltip Hint: Use the grade level tool bar on the right to view the results across the different grade levels.